Technologies Used

CSS3, JavaScript Basics, JQuery UI, Responsive Designing and User Experience Concepts.


This Live Project training is for complete beginners (any graduate people can join this) in web design but a basic computer literacy is required. You should know basic of Design like colours, colour harmony, perspectives, how to use a Windows PC and basic internet knowledge.


  • One-on-one mentoring all through your entire program.
  • Develop a profile of several projects to enhance your skills.
  • To resolve design issues creatively and effectively.
  • To implement concepts of design to solve problems for the web and mobile technologies.
  • To apply “User Centric Design” for the web & digital technologies used on mobile platforms.
  • To equip student with Design & Technical skills needed for a digital future.
  • To apply creativity techniques to create innovative and effective designs.


IRTM will cover the website design, prototyping, and evolution of user interfaces for computers.The complete training is hands-on based. A practical web design project at the end of the Training program will ensure that you go through website creation process by planning.