Technologies Used

Selenium, QTP, Load Runner, J Meter


There are no strict pre-requisites for this training and candidates do not require knowledge or previous experience of the software development lifecycle, nor do they need any experience in testing. Candidates should, however, be able to apply their logical, analytical and critical thinking skills and have some experience in understanding and applying common business processes with expected outcomes.


  • Understand why quality is key in all of the testing stages in the Software Development Lifecycle.
  • Learn how to extract requirements and other relevant information from system stakeholders, project documentation, and other sources.
  • Be able to select suitable testing types and techniques based on the project's focus and the desired outcome.
  • Identify, prioritize, plan, create and execute test cases in test management.
  • Effectively log and manage identified defects.
  • Accurately measure and report the progress of testing.
  • Understand the importance of automation in testing.


Software quality assurance and testing (QAT) practitioners are on the rise in large and medium sized companies across the globe as software product development become increasingly complex. Companies rely on these specialists to ensure systems quality in terms of product effectiveness, reliability, performance, and value.